Documentation + User Guide

User Guide 


W A S D - To move the snake

Gameplay and GameScence Functions:

You are the snake and move around to collect the food to gain the size. Each food is collected, you will gain 100 point. Try to collect many foods as you can to beat the highest score.

Menu Title Screen
How To Play 

Show an instruction after selecting the 'How To Play' button

High Score View

Show the player name with the current highest score after selecting 'High Score' button

Gameover View

When a player beat the new high score. The game will show an announcement and the player can type their name on it

If the player lose without getting the new high score. A game over announcement will pop up and show 2 options for retrying the game or back to the main menu


 Difference from game concept: 

 At first of my concept is I want to make the snake has the actually snake body and tail. But the code to implement the body and tail parts to follow the snake head is complicated. So Lindsay tutor suggested me to use the simple circle sprite to make it as the snake tail. That approach would be more easier to make the tail connect to the head part. Hence, in the game when the snake gains its size, we will see it just creates a simple circle for the snake tail.

Secondly, I want to make the snake dies when the head collides with the tail. However, an issue came up that when snake gain a new tail, the tail will be follow up the head so the collision will happen and make the snake die instantly after collecting the food. So I use the shield sprite from the other projects in KIT109. Then I put it front of the head and make the shield to collide with the tail and the wall instead of the head. So the issue now is fixed.

 Summary of Feedback: 

 The player movement, UI buttons is working well. The game is easy to play. 

 The common bug that the testers find is the snake can not hit itself tail and die. 

 In my observation, the food spawn has a little bit bug when sometimes the food is spawn right on the wood wall.


Snake head sprite as player

Simple orange circle sprite as snake's tail

Rabbit sprite as food

Wood wall sprite as wall


Rabbit prefab - food

Tail prefab

Wall prefab


Mainmenu - the first scene of the game containing Play Game, How To Play, High Score and Quit buttons.

snake - gameplay scene

Howtoplay - show the instruction scene

Highscore - show the current highest score scene

Gameover - show the gameover announcement scene when the player lose without getting the highest score

Gameover_HighScore - show the announcement when the player get the high score after dying

Music and Sound:

Radakan - Moldan Chase: background music

Death sound effect

Eating sound effect


SnakeMove - to move the snake. Create and allow the tail to follow the head's position after collecting the food

PlayerCollectScore - gain the score when collecting the food

SpawnFood - start spawn food at random position

MoveToRandomPositionOnCollision - move to another random position after being collided by the player

GameAssets - to create sound effects

GetHighScore - get the highest score

GetHighScorer - get the player who get the highest score

EnterHighScore - store the input get the player's name

SceneSwitcher - switch scene script


Snake, rabbit, grass sprite and sound

Background image

Music background

Files Play in browser
Oct 06, 2020

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